Sunday, January 9, 2011

Foxes Come To Visit

Happy new year! It has been snowed more this week. Two foxes decided to come to play around outside my office! I have never seen live foxes so close before and it was really cool! They were actually more orange even though people called them "red" foxes! Hope that everybody has a wonderful year 2011!


Jeff said...

Happy New Year to you! Love the foxes!

Ice John's World said...

Happy new year, Jeff!

Mary said...

Wow, that's really cool! I have never seen a fox before, but it must have been pretty cool =) We have mongoose here in Hawaii, but not the typical animals you have there. It would be great to one day see! I think it's good luck to see a fox, isn't it? I thought I heard that somewhere, but i'm not sure. hehe

Ice John's World said...

Good luck is always good! Thanks for the comment, Mary!