Tuesday, September 11, 2007

2nd Day At New Job

Today is the 2nd day at the new job. As expected, not everything is set up properly. My new computer will not be delivered until almost one and a half later so I am now stuck with the old Window 2000 desktop. And most of the software I need does not work. The HR department also does not have all the paperwork required for me to fill out. Phone is not working properly as well.

The working atmosphere is much more relaxed here compared to the big "G". Most of the people wear jeans and T-shirts to work. Of course, I still maintain my business casual dress code since I don't feel comfortable to dress too causal at work. In addition, I don't like to deal with the customers who are all medical doctors with the T-shirt look.

It is quite different to work in a small company I suppose. The lack of the office supply is really one thing that I cannot get used to so far. But the more friendly working environment and less meetings are definitely positive!


DEREK said...

Happy 2nd Day! And many more! Have a great week!


Ice John's World said...
